Montag, Mai 5


Episode XIX
The Black Widow

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6. The Broken Vow

Those nights we had and the trust we lost
The sleep that fled me and the heart I lost
It all reminds me
Just how callous and heartless the true cowards are
And I write this for the loveless
And for the risks we take
I'll take my love to the grave
As tired and worn it is
I'l take my love to the grave

--converge (true)--

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now here´s me from the heart the lumberyard
not the book...
this used to be our song
open skies, bliss, silence
could i have been
through years, laughter, tears
now that you´re slipping
the grip is too strong
like distant cries from way beyond
this path we sought
we´ll never know

and where rivers flew
and where mountains grew
an obstacle for you
an illusion for me
an obstacle for me
an illusion for you ?

will we ever know